Buy Tickets for the Alhambra

Buy tickets for Alhambra in advance and dont lose your visit!

Buy tickets for Alhambra in advance and dont lose your visit!

We advise you to prepare your visit to the Alhambra in advance. It is a very famous monument so it has many visitors every day and entry is limited. So it is better to reserve your entry as soon as possible, especially in times of great affluence such as vacation, holidays and weekends.

You can find different tickets, each type alow you to visit different areas and at different time schedules.

The schedule entry is:
- Morning from 8:30 to 14:00
- In the afternoon of 14:00 to 18:00 from November to February and 14:00 to 20:00 from March to October

If you want to buy now your ticket into this page you will find the different options and avoid long queues to enter inside.

Visit by yourself

If you prefer to make the visit without official guide buy your ticket with full access and secrets that hides the Alhambra.

If you also have a smartphone you can download our App audioguide of the Alhambra (Android - iOS ) where you will find information about the monument and its history, so you will not miss anything.

More information

Get to know the Alhambra

If you want to know more about the Alhambra and if you wish to receive first-hand information, we invite you to get to know the monument on one of our guided tours. Travel with us through the history of all the parts of the Alhambra.

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